Saturday, January 21, 2012

Claims, Reasons, and Assumptions Oh My!

So, we need to write out our claims, reasons, and assumptions for our Opinion Editorial. So here are mine!

Claims: In-N-Out burgers are the best choice of dining out for BYU students.

Reasons: They have the freshest ingredients. They have a high work ethic. They have family and Christian values. They are cheaper when compared with other gourmet fast food restaurants.

Assumptions: Because In-n-Out has the freshest ingredients, they obviously taste the best and BYU students should eat there. Because employees are kind and courteous it is an enjoyable experience for all to eat there. The food is cheap; therefore, for a cheap BYU student In-N-Out should be the number 1 choice for eating out.


  1. Yeah college students and cheap go together pretty well. Your assumptions fit really well with your reasons.

  2. You make a good point! Well actually all of your points are good. I especially agree with your assumption that people like going places with good service. When the people that work somewhere are nice, I immediately feel more comfortable and I want to be a better customer.

  3. Awesome. Thanks guys! I can't wait to put the actual paper up.

  4. Dude. I had my first In-n-Out Burger like a month ago? I was shocked at its taste. They were remarkable. The fries on the other hand, can't say that I was a fan. They were nasty. Ill be honest.
